
Seek Now is a technology company and a person-to-person, feet-on-the-ground company. They’re software engineers and a nationwide network of inspectors who set out to provide more accurate, more detailed data from insurance inspections. And do it on demand. They’ve grown fast, now offering real estate photography, 3D floor plans, and more.

We partnered with Seek Now to clarify their brand, helping define their position as both a technology company and a services brand. We built a visual identity anchored by a clean, modern logotype and a tesseract symbol. The tesseract represents time folding in on itself, creating shortcuts from the present to the future, a problem to its solution. We brought acquisitions into the fold with a new website, using an iterative process that focused on multiple audiences. Like Seek Now itself, the site is designed to get any user — an inspector, a real estate agent, or an adjuster — the right data, on demand.

AOR: Bullhorn
Role: Creative Director, Design Lead


Brand Guidelines
Brand Identity
Brand Language
Website Design
Website Development