
Many people associate alcohol with some of the best moments in their lives: dates, marriages, graduations. Some associate it with the mundane things that they love, like spending time with friends and family. And, of course, some people associate alcohol with wreckage and destruction. Any company that makes and sells alcoholic products has to face that duality. 

We found out that Brown-Forman has been pushing the industry to higher standards of alcohol responsibility for decades. They found talking about it difficult, though. When any company does something philanthropically, it can be challenging to talk about it without seeming disingenuous. Because of this, campaigns were shelved. They would rather say nothing than appear to be profiting from their responsibility work.

We were tasked with enabling employees to talk about responsibility in a way that is fun, inspiring, open to multiple interpretations, in-line with their brand strategy, and uses their brand guidelines. Also, as a multinational company, the effort needed to translate across the world.

AOR: Bullhorn
Role: Creative Director, Design Lead


Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Brand Language
Photo Art Direction
Launch Campaign